Just For Fun


Using the letters RSTAENLIG, how many words can you create? We are inspired to post this after watching Brain Games and seeing the total number of words you can make using these letters, is 872. […]


School Bus Safety

Drivers: know the rules When driving on a road WITHOUT a median: • drivers travelling in both directions must stop for a stopped school bus with its upper red lights flashing • when you approach […]


World Honey Bee Day

National Honey Bee Day (formerly National Honey Bee Awareness Day) is an awareness day when beekeepers, beekeeping clubs and associations, and honey bee enthusiasts from all across the United States celebrate honey bees and recognize […]


Networking Like a Man Isn’t Enough

Successful women rely on other women to reach leadership roles, study finds. Landing an executive leadership role at a major company often requires making connections with the right people. Graduate students seeking high-ranking corporate jobs […]

Work & Career

Workplace Lying

Lying is all around us. In fact, research has highlighted for years how people learn to lie at a young age. It’s a familiar scenario in the daily activity of our workplaces⎯ management hears a […]

Business Development

When should you walk away?

“13 Signs that you should walk away from your startup” is probably one of the most important articles I have read so far in the new year. The list is precise with quotes and advice […]