Maintain balance, enjoy life!
A low saturated fat diet
- lowers “bad” LDL-cholesterol
- reduces chance of clogged arteries
- promotes better blood circulation
Eat less fat, especially saturated fats. Saturated fats raise your blood cholesterol. The largest amount of saturated fats are found in fatty meats, poultry skin, high-fat dairy products and coconut and palm oils. Trans fatty acids raise blood cholesterol. Trans fatty acids from hydrogenated fats such as hard margarine and shortening are found in high-fat snack foods, cookies and crackers.
Variety is the Spice of Life
Meat and Substitutes
Best Choice
- Lean cuts of meat
- skinless chicken and turkey
- seafood
- fish
- legumes & tofu
- egg yolks
- nuts and seeds
- shrimp
- fatty cuts of meat
- bacon, sausages, cold cuts,
- processed meats, pepperoni, bologna
- organ meat
Dairy Products
Best Choice
- skim milk
- yogurt with 1% or less Milk Fat (M.F.)
- milk, yogurt with 2% M.F.
- frozen yogurt, ice milk
- whole milk
- regular cheese
- cream, sour cream
- ice cream
- half and half cream
Fruits and Vegetables
Best Choice
- fresh or frozen vegetables
- fresh or frozen fruits
- olives
- avocados
- vegetables prepared in butter
- cream sauce
- deep fried
Grain Products
Best Choice
- whole grain products, bread, pita, English muffin, bagel, rice, pasta
ready to eat or hot cereals
- granola-type cereal
- biscuits
Fats & Oils
Best Choice
- olive oil
- canola oil
- safflower oil
- sesame oil
- non-hydrogenated margarine
- nuts and seeds
- low fat salad dressing
- butter, lard, bacon fat
- coconut and palm kernel oils
- hard margarine
Snacks and Desserts
Best Choice
- plain popcorn
- pretzels
- baked potato chips
- plain cookies
- angel food cake
- candy
- popsicles
- chocolate
- potato chips
- buttered popcorn
- milkshakes
- pies
- large cake-like muffins
- croissants
- flaky pastry
- donuts
- sweet rolls
- cakes
- cookies
See also “The Cholesterol-Heart Disease Link”
This piece was created with the assistance of the following advisory panel: Kori Kingsbury, BSN, RN Frances Johnson, RDN Donald Barker, RDN
Adapted from Canada's Food Guide, Health Canada The Canadian Diabetes Association has reviewed the "Making the Connection" program for its medical and scientific accuracy. The Canadian Diabetes Association does not endorse the products of any pharmaceutical company. www.makingtheconnection.ca