Update to Vaccination Requirements for Indoor City Recreation, Sport and Event Facilities

The City of Windsor has updated the vaccination requirements announced on Monday, September 20, 2021, and will now require anyone 12 or older entering a City run recreational or event facility as a participant, to have at least one covid-19 vaccination as of Wednesday, September 22, 2021. This will allow young people the opportunity to continue to participate in activities while also giving time to become fully vaccinated.


The requirement for one vaccination is a change from the city’s original plan released yesterday requiring full vaccination for participants. Non-participants aged 12 and up will still require full vaccination as that is mandated provincially. A new deadline for participants age 12 and up to be fully vaccinated is now Monday, November 15, 2021.


The new one vaccination requirement applies only to City-owned indoor recreational venues or facilities that have event spaces, such as banquet halls and conference/convention centres (e.g. Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex, Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre Presented by WFCU Credit Union, Willistead Manor, Capitol Theatre, Mackenzie Hall, WFCU Centre, etc.). Proof of vaccination is not required for outdoor venues or facilities.
Additional information on proof of vaccination, including exemptions, is available at www.health.gov.on.ca.


You can visit the Ontario Health website to download your proof of vaccination. Facility staff will also accept vaccine documents provided at the time of vaccination or an emailed printout as long as they show at least one vaccination received. Proof of valid ID is also required and can be confirmed by presenting a birth certificate, citizenship card, driver’s licence, Government (Ontario or other) issued identification including health card, Indian Status Card/Indigenous Membership Card, passport, or Permanent Resident card.


The City has established an online COVID health screening app for visitors to our Recreation & Culture facilities. The app can be accessed from a desktop or phone and would qualify as proof of screening for users of our facilities. Once the screening is done the user will receive an email that confirms they are cleared to enter a given facility on a given day. This email can be shown to screening staff upon entry to the building. The link to the app is https://publicscreening.citywindsor.ca. Below is also a QR code that can be scanned by a phone to access the screening app.



UPDATE:  Clarification on Vaccination Requirements
September 23, 2021

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through the first few days of implementation of the Ontario Government’s proof of vaccination legislation. Below are some important points of clarification and some friendly tips to make the check in process quicker.

Clarification on Vaccination Requirements:

Some vaccination requirements at our facilities are as follows:

• All participants and spectators UNDER 12 years of age are exempt and do not need to show proof of vaccination (ID is required to prove age – no photo required).

• Participants (non-spectators) between the ages of 12 and 17 may enter the facility for the purpose of actively participating in the sport or activity as long as they show proof of one dose of a COVID19 vaccination accompanied by Government issued ID. This option for entry to the facility with only one vaccination will expire November 15, 2021, at which time all persons 12 years of age and over will be required to be fully vaccinated.

• Anyone 12 years and older- spectators, parents, coaches, volunteers and participants (aged 18 and over) are required to provide proof they are fully vaccinated accompanied by Government issued ID.

• Starting November 15, 2021 ALL visitors 12 years of age and older to our facilities including but not limited to participants, spectators, parents, coaches and volunteers are required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated accompanied by Government issued ID unless they can provide a valid medical note from a doctor.

Further clarification, fully vaccinated means that you have received the full course of COVID vaccines (2 for AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna and 1 for Johnson & Johnson) AND 14 days have passed since you received the last valid dose in the series.

Tips/suggestions for a Smooth Screening Process (NOT REQUIRED):
• Create a document that shows a copy of your ID and proof of vaccination on one sheet (or one on the front one on the back)
• Screenshots, photocopies and email copies of records are acceptable. If you are showing screenshots of both your ID and proof of vaccination, save the 2 documents one after the other in your phone so you can easily flip back and forth. We need to compare the name and date of birth for both so we most likely need to flip back and forth multiple times.
• Complete your health screening online prior to coming. You’ll get an email that can be shown as proof of screening and can save the time doing the screening at the door by showing that email. The City has a screening tool that can be accessed at the link or by scanning the QR code above.

DOC. 2021 09 23 Proof of Vaccination – User Ref.


Source: City of Windsor media release and update