Except for Friday nights extreme cold that made me shiver through the Walkerville Distillery District Night Market, and a brief cold spell and some rain on Sunday morning before VegFest, the warm sun shone brightly for all the weekend activities for Windsor and Essex County.
Ruthven Apple Festival at Colasanti Farms and Tropical Gardens on Saturday, September 29th was an exhilarating walk, talk, and munch.
Etsy Made in Canada: Windsor at Canadian
VegFest 2018 at Lanspeary Park on Sunday, September 30th
The Telus VR Booth at the Ruthven Apple Festival
#RuthvenAppleFestival #RuthvenAppleFest @Colasanti_Farms #Telus #TelusBooth #VirtualRiality #Colasantis #colasantistropicalgardens #colasantifarms #ruthven #ruthvenontario #mykingsville #kingsville #kingsvilleontario #leamington #leamingtonontario #yqg #yqgrocks #twepi #discoveryqg #storyqg#apples #apple #discoversouthernontario #southernontario #WBN #WindsorBN #WBNInTheCommunity #WeWereThere #ApplePie #AppleCider
Julie from Sobeys St. Clair Beach at #vegfest2018 #LanspearyPark #Windsor #YQG
— with Julie Sobey and Sobeys Extra St. Clair Beach.
Cessidia DeBiasio at the Etsy Made in Canada: Windsor event organized by the Rose City Etsy team and held at the Canadian Historical Association Hangar on September 29th – with proceeds of the event to benefit The Addolorata De Luca Leadership Scholarship, which was founded by Ms DeBiasio
@theadlscholarship #theADLScholarship @RoseCityEtsyTeam #RoseCityEtsyTeam