Where to Buy Local Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Adams Garden of Eatin’
472 County Rd 20 W
Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2K2
(519) 733-4480
A family run farm that has been operating a roadside stand for generations just West of Kingsville on County Rd 20 West. They have seasonal fruit and vegetables, fresh produce that is all locally-grown and homegrown. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, Asparagus
AGR Farm
21225 County Rd 46
Tilbury, Ont
Gourds – Pumpkins – Squash – Corn Stalks – Straw – Mums – Candy Apples – delicious assortment of Apples
Right beside Tilbury Golf Club on County Road 46.
Arbor Herbs & Lavender
#71 Cty. Rd. 14 Cottam, Ontario 519-839-5425
Fresh and dried herbs, fresh vegetables in season and homemade soap
Brandner Farms Organics
1440 Rd 5 E Ruthven, ON
1390 Walker Road, Windsor, ON
Asparagus, Strawberries, Rhubarb, beans, beets, carrots, cukes, leeks, eggplant, zucchini, okra, tomatoes, radishes, onions, squash (butternut, acorn, butternut, spaghetti, red hubbard), pumpkins, kale, peppers, sweet potatoes, and garlic. We also sell homemade jams, raw and lavender honey, fresh cut sunflowers and free range eggs, and fresh breads
Cacciavillani Farms
just east of Leamington- they sell fresh lettuce, kale, all kinds of tomatoes, potatoes, onions, radishes and more- grown on their farm all year round
Fruit Wagon (The)
793 County Rd 50, E., Harrow
(519) 738-4819
Apple cider vinegar, original or infused.
Culinary herbs
Vegetables, Fruits
JunkWhisperers of Essex County
1184 Pillon Ave in Staples off of Road 8!
Free Range Eggs – $3.50
Vegetable stand in August
Lee & Maria’s
in Kingsville has local produce, farm eggs and local honey, pickles, and locally made meals.
Mimi’s Fruits and Vegetables
Just past the Dairy Freez . # 329 county rd 34 west 839-4894 fresh free range eggs 3.50 per doz. Call to see if we have some
Preti’s Green Acre Farm
150 County Road 34 East
Cottam, Ontario
(519) 839-4478
Willow Tree Market
1827 Division Road North
Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9
(519) 712-8981
Facebook @TheWillowTreeMarket
Zavaros Farms
4043 Malden Colchester S Townline
Fresh asparagus & no spray pick your own strawberries
(519) 736-8976