Where to Buy Fresh Farm Eggs
By law, farmers may not sell eggs beyond their farm gate if they aren’t graded, and Ontario grocery stores don’t sell free-range eggs (free run is the most you can hope for). Generally, only the big operators with quotas get their eggs graded – this involves shipping them to Strathroy.
Since backyard chickens aren’t allowed in Essex County either, there is a lopsided demand for free range eggs in the city of Windsor and the towns in Essex County.
Brandner Farms Organics
1440 Rd 5 E Ruthven, ON
1390 Walker Road, Windsor, ON
Asparagus, Strawberries, Rhubarb, beans, beets, carrots, cukes, leeks, eggplant, zucchini, okra, tomatoes, radishes, onions, squash (butternut, acorn, butternut, spaghetti, red hubbard), pumpkins, kale, peppers, sweet potatoes, and garlic. We also sell homemade jams, raw and lavender honey, fresh cut sunflowers and free range eggs, and fresh breads
JunkWhisperers of Essex County
1184 Pillon Ave in Staples off of Road 8!
Free Range Eggs – $3.50
Vegetable stand in August
Farm Eggs for Sale
A sign outside this property says they have farm eggs for sale. $5 for 18, $3.50 for a dozen. Also, duck eggs.
County Rd 17 at #46
Holistic Guy (The)
The Holistic Guy sells farm eggs on Saturday mornings at the Downtown Windsor Farmers Market. $8/doz
Mimi’s Fruits and Vegetables
Just past the Dairy Freez . # 329 county rd 34 west 839-4894 fresh free range eggs 3.50 per doz. Call to see if we have some
Trish Deboer
Free range chicken eggs for sale…..BIG and BROWN and VERY delicious with dark yellow yokes!! $5/dozCall 519.839.5642
Our Farm Organics – Lesley Labbe
$5/dozen. Pastured, free range and organic.
710 Seacliff Dr, Kingsville
Come try our delicious Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs $3.50/Dozen
Kelley Homestead
6875 6th Concession, Harrow. (519)981-9752. We charge $4.50/dozen. Call as well. We have a huge demand and the winter production varies. We also offer honey in the summer and fall.
Down To Earth Farms – Carolin Mursall
Organic and soy free pasture-raised eggs. $5/dozen. Tel. 226.996.4070 Please contact me first as availability varies in winter.
Faerie Willow Farm
Available from Spring onwards
Locally Germinated
Deb Tremblay from Locally Germinated #20600 Morris Rd, Tilbury (in the municipality of Lakeshore).
Eggs are $4.50 / dz, organically-fed and pastured (free-range).
Call for availability and for details on the self-serve fridge – 519-682-3649.
Country Fresh Packers
4049 Bonneau Line
Country Fresh Packers on Facebook
Wagner Orchards and Estate Winery
1222 Lakeshore Road 103
Maidstone, Ontario
(519) 723-4807
All Natural Beef, Farm Fresh Eggs, Jam, Honey, Baking and Wine