Please be aware of your surroundings at all time. The following is an incident that occurred in the parking lot at MR Meats on Walker Road. A man approached a mother who was placing her children in the car and asked to purchase one of the children. The mother thought he was joking but the man persisted. Read the full message below, which was written by Laurel Lee based on an experience by her daughter.
I had a very scary moment today. I was at Mr Meats on Walker Rd and about to put Kenzie in the car ( Leilyne was already in on her side) when a man in his late 40s, early 50s approached my car and asked me point blank if he could have Kenzie…. Now I thought he was kidding and jokingly said no. He then proceeded to ask him how much for the baby. I already had her door open and thank god the car beside me parked to close so there was no way he could get through. I got her half buckled in and closed the door and locked it. I quickly opened my own door when he asked me again, ” seriously how much for the baby?!”. I told him to go F himself and got into my car, locked the doors and drove away as fast as I could. Remarkably I was calm still by this point and managed to call the police and Mr Meats to make them aware of what had just happened. When they informed me another women had just called saying the same thing and a manager was looking into it.
After that it all hit me and I cried hysterically in my car going over all the possible ways that could of went horribly wrong for me and my girls. Watch your surroundings, watch your kids in public, be aware of everyone around you! People are seriously scary sometimes and for it being such a public place this man had alot of balls to ask me that with so many people around (kidding, serious or whatever) I didn’t find it funny and it scared the living hell out of me. Please be careful, especially if you’re a mom alone with your kids.”