Restrict (intermediate measures) – orange
Enhanced measures, restrictions and enforcement, avoiding any closures.
General public health measures (gatherings, workplace requirements and face coverings)
- Events and social gatherings (for example, barbeques):
- 10 people indoors
- 25 people outdoors
- Organized public events and gatherings:
- 50 people indoors
- 100 people outdoors
- Religious services, weddings and funerals:
- 30% capacity indoors
- 100 people outdoors
- Requirement for workplace screening
- Face coverings required in:
- indoor workplaces
- indoor public spaces, with limited exemptions
- Where patrons without face coverings are within two metres of workers, workers must use additional protections such as eye protection
- Workplaces must develop and implement a communication/public education plan (highlighting risk)
- Physical distancing must be maintained
- Non-essential travel from areas of high-transmission to areas of low transmission should be avoided
Restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments
- 50 person indoor seated capacity limit
- Require patrons to be seated; 2 metre minimum between tables
- Dancing, singing and performing music is permitted, with restrictions
- Karaoke permitted, with restrictions (including no private rooms)
- Require patron contact info (one per party)
- No buffet style service
- Night clubs only permitted to operate as restaurant or bar
- Line-ups and patrons congregating outside venues managed by venue; 2 metres distance and face covering required
- Face coverings except when eating or drinking only
- Eye protection where patrons without face coverings are within 2 metres of workers
- Limit operating hours, establishments close at 10 p.m.
- Liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- No consumption of liquor permitted between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Require contact information for all seated patrons
- Limit of 4 people may be seated together
- Limit volume of music (to be no louder than the volume of a normal conversation)
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- Closure of strip clubs
- A safety plan must be available upon request
Sports and recreational fitness facilities
- Maximum 50 people per facility (revoke OCMOH approved plan) in all combined recreational fitness spaces or programs (not pools, rinks at arenas, community centres, and multi-purpose facilities)
- No spectators permitted (exemption for parent and guardian supervision of children)
- Team or individual sports must be modified to avoid physical contact; 50 people per league
- Exemption for high performance athletes and parasports
- Limit duration of stay to 90 minutes except if engaging in sport
- Limit volume of music to conversation level and prevent shouting by both instructors and members of the public
- Face coverings required except when exercising
- Increase spacing between patrons to 3 metres for areas of a sport or recreational facility where there are weights or weight machines and exercise and fitness classes
- Require contact information for all patrons and attendance for team sports
- Require reservation for entry; one reservation for teams
- Require screening of members of the public, including spectators (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request
Meeting and event spaces
- Maximum of 50 people per facility (revoke capacity limit on a per room basis as per OCMOH plan)
- Booking multiple rooms for the same event not permitted
- Limit operating hours, establishments must close at 10 p.m.
- Liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- No consumption of liquor permitted between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Require contact information for all seated patrons
- Limit of 4 people may be seated together
- Limit volume of music (to be no louder than the volume of a normal conversation)
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request
- Fitting rooms must be limited to non-adjacent stalls
- Line-ups and patrons congregating outside venues managed by venue; 2 metre distance and face covering required
- Limit volume of music (to be no louder than the volume of a normal conversation)
- Consider limiting capacity in retail stores and in shopping malls in winter
- For malls:
- Require screening of patrons at mall entrances (for example, questionnaire)
- a safety plan must be available upon request
Personal care services
- Oxygen bars, steam rooms, saunas, whirlpools, bath houses, other adult venues, hot tubs, floating pools and sensory deprivation pods closed (some exceptions)
- Services requiring removal of face coverings prohibited
- Change rooms and showers closed
- Require contact information from all patrons
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request
Casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments
- Capacity cannot exceed 50 persons
- Table games are prohibited
- Liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- No consumption of liquor permitted between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Require contact information from all patrons
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request
- Limit of 50 people per facility (revoke OCMOH approved plan)Face coverings except when eating or drinking only
- Drive-in cinemas permitted to operate, subject to restrictions
- Liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- No consumption of liquor permitted between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Require contact information from all patrons
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request
Performing arts facilities
- Limits with 2 metre physical distance maintained:
- 50 spectators indoors
- 100 spectators outdoors
- Singers and players of wind or brass instruments must be separated from spectators by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier
- Rehearsal or performing a recorded or broadcasted event permitted
- Performers and employees must maintain 2 metre physical distance except for purposes of the performance
- Drive-in performances permitted
- Liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- No consumption of liquor permitted between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Require contact information from all patrons
- Require screening of patrons (for example, questionnaire)
- A safety plan must be available upon request