Elections Ontario is recruiting poll officials for voting locations across the province for the 2018 General Election on June 7. All positions are paid, and training is provided.
Elections Ontario will be introducing technology in at least 50% of the polls for the 2018 General Election. Poll officials working at the technology based polls will be using electronic poll books and vote tabulators. Applicants will need to have knowledge of the election process, and be comfortable using technology.
Poll officials working at the non-technology based polls will be using paper based products and applicants will need to have knowledge of the election process.
To work as a poll official you must be:
- 18 years of age, (16 years old for the position of Information Assistant); and
- a Canadian citizen (you do not need to be a Canadian citizen for the position of Information Assistant); and
- a resident of Ontario
We are seeking candidates who:
- are personable;
- have problem solving skills;
- are able to act as a leader;
- are able to communicate in English and French for electoral districts designated as bilingual;
- are able to work long shifts (14+ hours on election day); and
- hold a valid driver license and vehicle if needed.
Previous election experience is considered an asset. Please note that positions (both tech and non-tech) and voting locations are assigned by the Returning Officer, and that travel may be required for training.
The returning office will be contacting applicants from May 9 to June 7. More information about the position and pay will be provided at that time.